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Cloudbuster Anti-EMF | Cloudbuster Space Purifier | Metayantra Cloudbuster Space Purifier 3 Levels with Classic Orgone Energy - Metayantra WorldWide
Cloudbuster Space Purifier 3 Levels with Classic Orgone Energy $199.00 $299.99
Room Cleaner, Cloudbuster, Environment Ionizer Quartz at the centre and absorbs cosmic ray is powered by a source of white Energy generated by the same Cloud Buster, the mix of colored quartz on the top absorbs all frequencies form EMR, this energy is attracted by the metal swarf in the middle, then passed through the citrine where energy is cleansed.  Has a range of 150 meters. Contains: Acerine: It increases the personal magnetism, purifies the blood and helps the regeneration of tissues. Amethyst: Protects from psychic attacks, transmutes the energy in love, blocks the geopathic tensions and is a natural tranquilizer. Red Jasper: Gentle stimulant, lands the energies and rectifies unfair situations. Sodalite: Increases mental clarity, helps to be more tolerant and less critical, helps to have a better digestion. Citrine (bottom layer): Powerful cleaner and regenerator, never needs cleaning, extremely protective for the environment as it absorbs, transmutes dissipates and conducts negative energy to earth, attracts wealth, prosperity and success, imparts joy and rises energy. Adventurine: Comforts, heals and protects the heart, general harmonizer, it brings comfort and emotional calm. Pyrite: It is an excellent energy shield, stimulates the flow of ideas, brings welfare and peace at home. Attracts money. Black tourmaline, obsidian, agate, lapislazuli, tiger's eye, clear quartz, carnelian, rose quartz. Colour: Blue.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate measurements: Lower 9 cm, Upper 10 cm and Height 11 cm.
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EMF Blocker Device | Powerful 5G Protector Cloud Buster | Metayantra Powerful 5G Protector Cloud Buster Orgone Black Sun Shungite and Black Tourmaline - Metayantra WorldWide
Powerful 5G Protector Cloud Buster Orgone Black Sun Shungite and Blac... $199.00 $299.00
Improves The Environment of Any Place 5G Protector For office or home use, bedroom, car, or anywhere, it also protects any living being from toxins and negative energy from the environment and its surroundings, protects against Electromagnetic Radiation.It is built like any ChemBuster sold internationally, it is the most powerful on the market, it contains the Black Sun OrgoneIt contains a base of 99.9 crystals of fine crushed quartz, brass and black iron oxide, left in the sun with the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz. This device was created from the research of Wilhelm Reich. Transforms harmful energies resulting from electromagnetic emissions of electrical equipment (DOR), such as fluorescent lights. , TV screens, computer monitors, high-voltage cables, cell phones, but most of the repeaters for telecommunications, clean orgone energy (POR) and regeneration balancing the energy field. It helps to balance the climate, thanks to its ability to suck large amounts of DOR from the atmosphere, convert BY, allowing a rebalancing of the surrounding environment.Ideal to raise awareness and disable mind control frequencies. Work continuously 24 hours a day. Convert negative energy fields into positive energy fields. Purifies the air, detoxifies the water and helps end the drought. Helps plants grow better, also repels pests. Mitigates the harmful effects of EMF and RF radiation. Disarm and repel dangerous life forms. Inspires pleasant behavior that reflects happier moods. Frequent insomnia remedies, chronic nightmares and purifies the room. Help to awaken your innate given senses. Has a range of 150 meters. Contains: Black Sun Orgone: Iron Oxide, Mica Powder, Copper, Brass, Shungite, Gold, Nickel. Amethyst: Unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual perception. Deepen meditation, instill a desire for truth and an idealistic drive. Clean electromagnetic radiation. Very useful for group work, eliminates mental confusion, encourages rational thinking, objectivity and truth. Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; progressively improve your self-esteem, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Incorporates the power of the Sun, it never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and conducts harmful energy to earth, excellent protector of the environment. Cleanses the chakras, raises self-esteem, enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind by amplifying the power of thoughts and promoting vital joy. Black Tourmaline: 5G Protection. it is considered a benchmark stone for cleansing, protection and transformation. It absorbs the dense energies and directs them towards the earth to be transmuted. Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate measurements: 10 cm, Height 17 cm.
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Schumman's Ressonance CloudBuster - Metayantra WorldWide Schumman's Ressonance CloudBuster - Metayantra Consciencia
Schumman's Ressonance CloudBuster $199.00 $299.99
 Ideal for Offices and Work Areas. Provides a sense of peace and tranquility. The central coil keeps the energy in constant motion, being filtered by the multiple layers of isometric crystals imprinting the frequency of 7.83Hz which is fired up by the copper tubes in the form of rays that have the ability to ionize the environment under that structure of resonance. Has a range of 150 meters.Contains: isometric crystals: resonate at the frequency of 7.83Hz; the natural frequency of the earth. Citrine (Yellow Color): It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; Improve your self-esteem progressively, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Venturine (Green Color): Crystal of prosperity, with great devic connection, reinforces leadership qualities, dilutes negative thoughts and situations, promotes compassion. Comforts, heals and protects the heart, pure harmonizer. Double 6 Pointed Star: (Star of David) is the union of God with the human being. The number 6 symbolizes responsibility and perfection. It means the evolutionary process of the mind when it begins to seek, internally, the reason for being. The 6 looks for the relationship of things and the reason why they are related. This search usually ends with a commitment on the part of the individual to humanity itself. 12-Pointed Star: (Reflection of Bethlehem) is the one that represents time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health. Brass: Music, energy resonance and secrets are associated. Copper: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate measurements: Bottom diameter 9 cm, Top Diameter 10 cm, Height 8 cm.

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