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Archangel Uriel Citrine | Spiritual Protection Jewelry | Metayantra Archangel Uriel 12 Vortex Protector - Metayantra Consciencia
Archangel Uriel 12 Vortex with Citrine Quartz Protective Necklace - E... $88.00
Protector of Spirituality, Wisdom and Devotion to Truth Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm. Archangel Uriel is the patron of those who seeks to eliminate ignorance. Protect teachers, spiritual leaders, priests, philosophers, rabbis, gurus, ministers, and all those who love spiritual wisdom. He is the archangel of the ruby ​​flame. He encourages divine service and is the leader of the guardian angels. With its divine flame, it helps spread truth and wisdom throughout the world.All the qualities of the Archangel Uriel make him the archangel protector of spirituality, wisdom, and devotion to truth. Together with the Guardian Angel, Uriel watches over that the path of the human being is straight and his vision clear. Its flame ignites in the being the desire to serve in the mission of awakening the human conscience in order to achieve the peace and glory of God.Contains: Biomagnetic Copper Coil: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. 12-pointed Energetic Star: (Reflection of Bethlehem) is the one that represents time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love, and strengthens health. Gold Medal of the Archangel: Associated with the Gods of the Sun, offering divinities, a symbol of wealth and success. Wearing gold continuously increases personal power, courage, confidence, and willpower. It is said to lengthen life and promote health, and its sunshine protects and mirrors against negativity. It is also a symbol of wisdom and serves to clarify the mind Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; progressively improve your self-esteem, and enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears, and phobias. Incorporates the power of the Sun, it never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates, and conducts harmful energy to earth, excellent protector of the environment. Cleanses the chakras, raises self-esteem, enhances concentration, and revitalizes the mind by amplifying the power of thoughts and promoting vital joy. Handmade (With lot of LOVE).
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-38% sale
Wind Chimes For Protection | Windchime Kabalah Tree | Metayantra Windchime Kabalah Tree of Life Sephirot Astral Protector - Metayantra Consciencia
Windchime Kabalah Tree of Life Sephirot Astral Protector $499.00 $799.00
Brings Protection for your home, for any evil spirit or energy, contains the secrets of the Tree of Life from the Kabalah Approximate diameter: The windchime has 50 cms tall. This special windchime contains 3 great Metayantra Pranic Devices as the greatest orgone energy generators from EMF Transmutated Field. The one on the top, has a modified 8 Vortex Crop Circle Enlightment with 8 large citrine quartz as a purfying energy and ascention of consciousness helper device. These crop circles are present, in part, to activate the cosmic and soul DNA as well as the physical DNA and expand the brain’s neurosynapses. This happens when they are viewed through the iris and connected to the brain. This expansion includes the clearing of old negative thought patterns, activating your soul DNA (just as your genetic body has a DNA, your soul has a DNA) and expanding your consciousness beyond what you as a third-dimensional being of light conceived possible during this long dark age of the human soul. The ancient prophecies speak of the return to oneness; the age of enlightenment is upon us. Crop circles are geometric fractal patterns and mathematical formulas. Everything that exists is a fractal of a geometric pattern – the crop circles are those geometric patterns. The star glyphs are a star language of light and codes for these activations. Linking these two images optimizes the activation of the DNA. Allow yourself to take this information in on a cellular level. Do not expect yourself to understand all the aspects and mysteries contained in this transmission. Experience it, emanate it, vibrate with it and ingest it – by doing so, you will serve humanity immeasurably.  The second is a double sided 8 Vortex EMF Transmuter, it uses the energy from the EMF contamination, and transmutates this energy into low frequency biomagnetic fields, using the vibration of the pipes from the windchime, emanating all the energy to your place, harmonizing it from electromagnetic and spirit contamination. The third DPM on the bottom is a special Tree of life from the Kabalah (Sephirot)   DESCRIPTION The Tree of life is considered to be a map of the universe and the psyche, the order of the creation of the cosmos, and a path to spiritual illumination.  The ten spheres represent the ten archetypal numbers of the Pythagorian system. The Crown ('Kether' in Hebrew): the Creator Himself. Wisdom ('Chokhmah'): Divine reality/revelation; the power of Wisdom. Understanding ('Binah'): repentance/reason; the power of Love. Mercy ('Chesed'): grace/intention to emulate God; the power of vision.  Strength ('Gevurah'): judgment/determination; the power of Intention. Beauty ('Tiferet'): symmetry/compassion; the power of Creativity. Victory ('Netzach'): contemplation/initiative/persistence; the power of the Eternal Now. Splendour ('Hod'): surrender/sincerity/steadfastness; the power of Observation. Yesod ('Foundation'): remembering/knowing; the power of Manifesting. Kingdom ('Malkuth'): physical presence/vision and illusion; the power of Healing.   Protection Wind chimes were, and still are, used to scare away evil spirits and hung in doorways and windows to dissuade bad luck from entering a home. The warning aspect of wind chimes is translated into modern culture through the movies. A common film motif is the ringing of wind chimes to signal imminent danger. For example, sounds of urgently ringing wind chimes are heard at tense moments in Martin Scorsese's 1991 version of "Cape Fear."  Farmers use wind chimes to frighten away birds and other pests. Farmers in Bali place bamboo wind chimes throughout rice fields to scare pests and bring the farmer good fortune and healthy crops. Hanging wind chimes near a bird feeder is counter-productive since few birds will brave ringing chimes to get a snack.   Health Benefits The sound of wind chimes blowing in the wind has the ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation and calmness. Their sounds are considered to have a healing effect on body and mind. They relieve fatigue and encourage listening, creativity and upbeat feelings.  The tones that reverberate through the wind chimes are believed to unblock emotional stress and bring a feeling of inner peace and conscious awareness. Listening to wind chimes also creates a sense of balance in one's life.  There is nothing more calming than to listen to the sound of the birds, the sea and the wind chimes while relaxing at the verandah of your beach chalet.  Windchimes are common practice and used to maximize the flow of chi, pranic energy, orgone energy or life's energy. The Chi energy flow reflects our state of mind, how we feel, how we think, and breathe. Conversely, negative thoughts can block the Chi flow, just as positive thoughts can build Chi. A Chi blockage affects our stress, the way we eat food, and how it gets digested. Chi connects everything. Wind Chimes are the best source of producing vibrant energies, helping one to focus and concentrate on the inner soul by soothing melodious sound created in the atmosphere. It is also used in 3’M’s which I have come across in my life – Melody, Meditation & Mindfulness. Contains: 3 Metayantra Pranic Devices: First on the top Crop Circle Enlightment Device Diameter: 8 cms. 8 Vortex Star: Represents rebirth, renewal and spiritual regeneration The octagon, which is the geometric figure that we obtain from the eight-pointed Star, represents the union between the Earth and the sphere, that is, the spiritual, the sacred world and the supreme order. Copper Wire: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; Improve your self-esteem progressively, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Crop Circle Energy in Color.        2. Double 12 Star Vortex Diameter: 5.5 cms 12 Vortex Star: (Reflection of Bethlehem) is the one that represents the time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health. Copper Wire: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; Improve your self-esteem progressively, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias.        3. Kabalah Tree of Life Red Jasper: Provides willpower, provides courage to perform unpleasant tasks. Carnelian: provides energy stability and allows you to raise levels of vitality and motivation. Citrine: Provides the power of the Sun, Strengthens the Aura, protects your emotions, raises self-esteem, relieves digestive problems, helps against depression. Green Aventurine: Induces relaxation, stability and inner peace, calming the mind, spirit and body. Sodalite: It is useful in conflicts with the ego, strengthens the lymphatic system and metabolism, dispels fantasy, reduces tension and anxiety. Amethyst: Increases paranormal capacity and the power of meditation, Calms passions, reduces fears and neutralizes negativity. White Quartz: It helps us purify our energies, which means that it can undo old globs of more dense or negative energy. Tree of Life coil in copper: Innovative design of the Sephirot paths in copper for better energy transmission. Aproximate size: 8x5 cms. 8 Nickel Tubes of: it is a light metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility. Tubes Longitude: 28,28,26,26, 24,22,20,18 cms  Handmade (With lots of LOVE).
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Add a shard of Libyan Crystal to your device
Add a shard of Libyan Crystal to your device $59.99
Choose this option to add a Libyan Crystal fragment to your device. LIBYAN CRYSTAL ISN'T SOLD SEPARATEDLY Highly protective and beneficial crystals for strengthening the will. Beautiful golden yellow color, recognized as a powerful manifestation tool. Its name is related to where they are found in the Libyan desert in particular, in a region of the Great Erg or sand sea. This yellow glass has been dated by scientists and is said to be more than 28 million years old, it was discovered in 1930. It is very pure, rich in silica, and many stones contain particles of sand dunes inside, some pieces are also reported to contain iridium. Since the beginning of this century numerous researchers have staked their bets on the hypothesis that these 30 million year old crystals were formed by the impact of a large meteorite.The healing properties of Libyan Desert Glass relate to its effectiveness in all the lower chakras, where its golden light is known to be highly effective.Although it has a strong resonance within the solar plexus chakra, this stones energy is potent within all chakras.It enhances or enhances creativity and can stimulate those with the gift of clairvoyance to have stronger gifts. They have metaphysical properties to aid in the manifestation of abundance and prosperity. It instills a sense of happiness, joy and love of life.On a physical level it treats stomach problems, including irritable bowel syndrome.  
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-55% sale
Tiger Eye White Tara 12 Vortex - Metayantra Consciencia Tiger Eye White Tara 12 Vortex - Metayantra Consciencia
Tiger Eye White Tara 12 Vortex $35.00 $77.77
Promotes Abundance, Protection, Health and Prosperity. Pranic device designed from the energy of the icosahedron, distributes the energy created by the white Tara mantra. Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jnana Pushtim Kuru Svaha- OM. Symbolizes the body, speech and mind.- TARE Symbolizes liberation from Samsara (lower realms).- TUTTARE. Symbolizes liberation from the eight external and eight internal fears (lower realms).- TURE. Symbolizes liberation from physical, mental and spiritual diseases (subtle obscurations).- MAMA means "mine" or "mine" and indicates that one would like to possess those qualities of long life, merit, wisdom, happiness, etc. Of course, it is also possible to wish these qualities for someone else.- AYUH means long life.- PUNYA Refers to the merit that comes from leading an ethical life and it is said that this merit helps us to live happily for many years.- JNANA Means wisdom.- PUSHTIM Means well-being or abundance.- KURU A mythical land north of the Himalayas, said to be a place of longevity and happiness.- SVAHA (Soha) Means blessings that transcend the present, past and future.Contains: Citrine: It has a great ability to transmit spiritual energy, plus the power to amplify thoughts; improve your self-esteem progressively, enhances individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Incorporates the power of the Sun, never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and leads to land the harmful energy, excellent protector of the environment. Cleanses the chakras, raises self-esteem, enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind by amplifying the power of thoughts and promotes vital joy. Tiger's Eye: Promotes confidence, improves self-esteem and strengthens the analytical capacity. 12-Pointed Star: it is the one that represents the time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health. Copper Coil: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great ability to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts. Printed White Tara Mantra. Handmade (with lots of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 6.3 cm.GUARANTEE: We check the quality of performance before shipping to make sure you are getting the best product. We guarantee your purchase for any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents.NOTE: The materials are volatile, they can be arranged in random ways, the COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO THESE REASONS, the arrangement of the micro metal particles cannot be controlled. This product is handmade, therefore we try to ensure that your product is as similar as possible to the one shown in the pictures, but it will also come with its own uniqueness being that it is a unique piece.All of our orgone products contain special technology that protects living beings against harmful 5G damage.Handling and manufacturing time is approximately 1 week, shipping time will depend on the method chosen and can take 10 to 30 business days, depending on customs and airport traffic.For best results use this Subliminal together with your device.
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MEGA Cellular Regenerator Dodecahedral Matrix 20 x 20 - Metayantra WorldWide MEGA Cellular Regenerator Dodecahedral Matrix 20 x 20 - Metayantra WorldWide
Icosahedron Mega Cellular Regenerator Dodecahedral Matrix 20 x 20 – M... $88.00
Prevents Aging, Accelerates Cellular Regeneration Giant MEGA Resonator The icosahedron/dodecahedron, by containing the golden ratio, allows the toroids and eddies necessary for the intercommunication of the Universal system to emerge. Its patterns allow the distribution of waves. Plato described the Earth as having a dodecahedral lattice around it. Grids are fractal and holographic. Each particle possesses within itself the totality: the Universe. The networks are not only on Earth but in the physical universe. Grids are expressions of energy and consciousness that follow proportions defined by the principles of Sacred Geometry and that expand throughout the entire multidimensional universe. It is the Matrix of individual, collective, and planetary elevated consciousness. It represents an aspect of the 12 dimensions of the earthly plane: the 12 constellations of the zodiac, the 12 months of the year, the 24 hours of earthly time, the 12 apostles, the 12 DNA strands and the Identity of the evolved human. What occurs initially is a balance and a restoration of the energy centers; and an elevation and recoding of DNA.-Benefits plants by improving all their processes of germination and development.-Favors cell regeneration and immunological capacity. Increases levels of general vitality and optimism... They manage to block the physical aging code of our DNA. As our aging process stops, our hair regains its elasticity, our wrinkles disappear, as well as our excess weight, without dangerous chemicals or additives. The potential to maintain a youthful body and indestructible health is locked in our cells and the key to unlocking this treasure is found in our spirit, in the fact that we consider ourselves as creators of our own reality. Size 20cms X 20cms  Proposed Experiments: Choose a Food or Beverage. Get 2 of the same food or beverage. Place one of them on the Sensor plate for 15 minutes. Leave the other one more than 50 meters away from the Sensor. Try both foods or beverages. YOU WILL NOTICE A BIG DIFFERENCE The Cosmic Sensor is scientifically proven to raise the vibrational frequency, without rituals or acts of faith. Just have it as a picture or framed anywhere in the house.The sensor produces a feeling of tranquility, relaxation and peace in the area, neutralizes negative energy.Discovered by Gillis Patrick Flanagan, an American nuclear mathematical physicist.Dr. Flanagan's research has resulted in a generator that handles subtle biocosmic energies from the solar system, auric and thought fields.It is based on the mathematical Fibonacci progression and, if we observe it carefully, we see that its development is an evolved pyramid. Therefore, the energy field it emits is exactly the same as the one generated by the pyramid, harmonic and harmless, as it integrates at the same time the Section or Golden Point.The Sensor Vortex energy plate is a unique energetic tool designed to balance energy systems, relieve stress, normalize the nervous system and enhance feelings of joy, peace, vitality and promote well-being. Laser Engraving Concerned about the precision in our tools, now you can acquire this engraved plate with a precision of 0.01 millimeters, without errors and perfectly traced in copper. Copper is the best conductor after silver, so this sensor is unbeatable, its energy will be reflected throughout your home. It has a range of 50 meters.  Contains: Quantum Resonance Plate with Laser Accuracy. Handmade (with lots of LOVE).
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Buddah Gold Plated 4th Chakra Development Meditation Device 24 Vortex - Metayantra Consciencia Buddah Gold Plated 4th Chakra Development Meditation Device 24 Vortex - Metayantra Consciencia
Buddah Gold Plated 4th Chakra Development Meditation Device 24 Vortex $55.55
Meditation Enhancer of the Fourth Anahatta Chakra Maitreya is considered as a future Buddha. Maitreya is a bodhisattva who in the Buddhist tradition must appear on Earth, achieve full enlightenment, and teach pure dharma. Today it helps you connect with the Anahatta Chakra, the heart chakra. When the fourth chakra, Anahata is unbalanced, feelings of loneliness, sadness and melancholy occur. Self-esteem also suffers and the person can become unstable. the immune system and alcoholism problems, circulatory disorders, cholesterol, lower back pain, heart attacks, angina pectoris, leukemia, impotence, rheumatisms, etc. can appear. Contains: Green Aventurine: Induces relaxation, stability and inner peace, calming the mind, spirit and body. Helps to visualize problems calmly, it makes our heart open to love and be more receptive to it, it helps us to be more open minded 24K Gold Maitreya Buddha. Brass coil: Music, energy resonance and secrets are associated 24-pointed star: it is related to emotional maturity, deep understanding of the emotional side of life. Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm.WARRANTY:We check performance quality before shipping to make sure you are receiving the best product. We guarantee your purchase against any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents.NOTE: The materials are volatile, they can be arranged in random ways, the COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO THESE REASONS, the arrangement of the micro metal particles cannot be controlled. This product is handmade, therefore we try to ensure that your product is as similar to the one that appears in the images, but it will also come with its own uniqueness as it is a unique piece.All of our orgone products contain special technology that protects living things from the harmful damage of 5G.Handling and manufacturing time is approximately 1 week, shipping time will depend on the chosen method and may take 10-30 business days depending on customs and airport traffic.    For better results you can use this Binaural Frequency with a Metayantra resonator
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-26% sale
Svadisthana Second Chakra Activator - Metayantra Consciencia Svadisthana Second Chakra Activator - Metayantra Consciencia
Svadisthana Second Chakra Activator $44.00 $59.00
Provides Harmony and Acceptance of Changes Kidneys, intestines, bladder, reproductive organsIf your energy is balanced, you will feel that the events of your life goes on with harmony and you have the capacity to accept the changes. You will also notice that you havevitality, sensitivity, creativity and physical and sexual attractiveness. The energy of the second chakra may be unbalanced. When it is due to excess, one tends to feel confused in their sexuality; If it is by default, you can be an extremely introverted person with a tendency to depression. 4.3 cm. Contains: Carnelian: provides stability of energy and allows you to raise levels of vitality and motivation. It is excellent to eliminate those states of passivity and laziness that in some opportunities we can experience. Copper Coil: Element of protection, is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Star of 6 Points: Is the union of God with the human being.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).  
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Pentaflower - Metayantra Consciencia Pentaflower - Metayantra Consciencia
Pentaflower $88.00
Harmony, Balance, Distribution, Feminity, Love THE SPIRAL AND ITS DIVINE AREA PROPORTION The Pentaflor is a symbol constructed with ten golden spirals arranged on a pentagon. Its mathematical basis is the Fibonacci numerical sequence or sequence of life.Its dodecahedral form represents the fifth element (ether, prana, chi), which is considered the feminine power of creation.This symbol of Power helps us regenerate the effects of stress, restores memory Intellectual and cellular of the body, it makes possible the reunion with your Being, develops your intuition, helps to get rid of emotional or physical vices. Contains: Quantum Resonance Plate with Sacred Geometry 24-pointed star: this number is related to emotional maturity, deep understanding of the emotional side of life. Copper: Protective element, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts. Brass: Music, energy resonance and secrets are associated Bronze Powder: Used in rituals to attract money or healing. Protective properties are attributed to the pieces of goldsmith's made of bronze, to return the negative energy to the originator. It is very related to the sound, so Tibetan bowls and bells are typical, whose sound is cleansing.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 5.5 cm.WARRANTY:We check performance quality before shipping to make sure you are receiving the best product. We guarantee your purchase against any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents.NOTE: The materials are volatile, they can be arranged in random ways, the COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO THESE REASONS, the arrangement of the micro metal particles cannot be controlled. This product is handmade, therefore we try to ensure that your product is as similar to the one that appears in the images, but it will also come with its own uniqueness as it is a unique piece.All of our orgone products contain special technology that protects living things from the harmful damage of 5G.Handling and manufacturing time is approximately 1 week, shipping time will depend on the chosen method and may take 10-30 business days depending on customs and airport traffic.
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Archangel Jophiel Pendant |Gold Plated Spiritual Protector| Metayantra Archangel Jophiel 10 Vortex Gold Plated - Metayantra Consciencia
Archangel Jophiel 10 Vortex Gold Plated $89.00
Divine Wisdom, Illumination, Intelligence, Understanding and Peace You can ask him for knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment, to free ourselves from possible addictions, dissolve pride, ignorance, upon awakening, it helps us to focus and solve problems. It also helps us in projects and businesses. Jofiel helps us to get in touch with our Higher Soul, which is why it comes from many of our wonderful ideas and thoughts, puts us in touch with God's thoughts, with the Source of Creativity, without forgetting that we are all really " Creators ”, that we create our life.   Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit the spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify the thoughts; to improve your self-esteem progressively, power the individuality and the self-esteem, you will surpass states of depression, fears and phobias. It cleans the chakras, it elevates the self-esteem, it promotes the concentration and it revitalizes the mind amplifying the power of the thoughts and it foments the vital joy. Brass coil: Music, energy resonance and secrets are associated 10 points star: The ten-pointed star is a star formed by two of 5 points. The first represents spirituality, the second means the material, the physical, what we can see, the earth. So, if we join both pentacles we have the ten-pointed star that tells us about the complete and total balance. It is the spiritual that descends to the material and the material that ascends to the spiritual. Gold Plated Jophiel Archangel.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm.  For better results you can use this Binaural Frequency with a Metayantra resonator
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Archangel Chamuel Pendant | Attract Soulmates | Metayantra
Archangel Chamuell 22 Vortex Gold Plated $89.00
Opens the Heart and Attracts the Soulmates Archangel Chamuel is known as "The Archangel of Love." His name means "He who sees God" or "He who seeks God." His job is to promote in human beings gratitude to God and unconditional and selfless love. As the archangel of love, you can ask for his help and presence if you wish to integrate his gifts and services into your life. When you need money ask for help and do not forget to bless what you have.Archangel Chamuel is the angel of unconditional love, compassion, mercy, creativity, forgiveness, sincerity, dedication or service to others, are all virtues related to this archangel. It also represents self-love, since it is from the being that the help of Archangel Chamuel is invoked. Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit the spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify the thoughts; to improve your self-esteem progressively, power the individuality and the self-esteem, you will surpass states of depression, fears and phobias. It cleans the chakras, it elevates the self-esteem, it promotes the concentration and it revitalizes the mind amplifying the power of the thoughts and it foments the vital joy. Brass coil: music, energy resonance and secrets are associated. 22-pointed star: This number is capable of expressing the evolution of man, being an old soul that has gone through the first nine vibrations of the numerical scale Archangel Chamuel Gold Plated.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm. For better results you can use this Subliminal with a Metayantra resonator  
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Archangel Gabriel Necklace | Protection from Darkness | Metayantra Archangel Gabriel 21 Vortex Gold Plated - Metayantra Consciencia
Archangel Gabriel 21 Vortex Gold Plated $89.00
Clarifies Everything That Seems Dark It is considered the main of the 7 archangels its colors are all, it is represented with a ray of white light. This angel was the one sent by God to the Virgin Mary to announce the incarnation of her son. That is why it is called The Messenger of God. Her image reflects purity, her dress is white and in her hands she has a flower, it means love and humility. He is the Archangel of the Aspirations, of Love, hope, revelations, nature, arts, emotions and creativity. He is the Prince of angels.We can invoke it in moments of great dejection, for spiritual elevation, purity, to ascend any negative condition of limitation to harmony, of affliction to peace, of wealth to poverty, in depressive states. Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit the spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify the thoughts; to improve your self-esteem progressively, power the individuality and the self-esteem, you will surpass states of depression, fears and phobias. It cleans the chakras, it elevates the self-esteem, it promotes the concentration and it revitalizes the mind amplifying the power of the thoughts and it foments the vital joy. Nickel coil: It is a lightweight metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility. Copper coil: Protective element, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts. 21-pointed star: The number 21 is associated with changes in our lives, causing positive stimuli. Archangel Gabriel gold plated.   Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm. For better results you can use this Binaural Frequency with a Metayantra resonator
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-55% sale
Sri Yantra Quantum Condenser - Metayantra Consciencia Sri Yantra Quantum Condenser - Metayantra Consciencia
Sri Yantra Quantum Condenser $35.00 $77.77
Union of The Universal with The Material Sri Yantra describes the creative forces of the universe in their masculine and feminine polarity; the upward-facing triangles represent Shiva or the masculine energy and the downward-oriented triangles represent Shakti or the feminine energy. The central point is the origin of creation called the Bindu or the absolute, while the outer region represents the material world.   Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; progressively improve your self-esteem, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Incorporates the power of the Sun, it never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and conducts harmful energy to earth, an excellent protector of the environment. Cleanses the chakras, raises self-esteem, enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind by amplifying the power of thoughts and fostering vital joy. Biomagnetic Copper: Element of protection, is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts. Biomagnetic Brass Coil: Music, energy resonance and secrets are associated Biomagnetic Nickel Coil: It is a lightweight metal associated with willpower and intellectual humility. 8-pointed energy star: (Mercaba) is the gate of heaven.  Handmade (With lots of LOVE).  
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Learn how to Materialize your Dreams in Resonance with your Soul - In... $49.00
Sharing in Harmony and Pure Resonance If you are here, it is because somehow you have becomeaware that your soul is asking for an evolutionor a path to improve your life in order to materializematerialize your goals and desires. More information  click aquí The intention of this Platform is to share with you tools that in our unique experience have worked, there are no unique solutions, but through connection and resonance from our perspective we seek to awaken in you the maximum potential you have to give. We are limitless beings playing at having limits, today we propose you to see your infinite knowledge and go within yourself to unite the mystical with the material. Our mission, not only here but in life is to always seek that balance. And today united in this meeting of soul mates, without a reason other than the reason for being, we re-dimension this balance in joy, joy and fullness. How do I know if this course is for me?  Nothing is by chance, everything happens for a reason, and if you are here, it is BECAUSE OF AND FOR YOU.Do you feel that everything has gone perfectly in this life? If everything has flowed in a special and beautiful way in your life, this course is for you, it is a quantum leap of reality that you are already achieving, and that all that pattern of coincidences led you here. TODAY IS YOUR MOMENT Do you feel that things are not going the way you would like them to, that not everything has gone well? This course is for you! It is a very simple and easy to carry out tool to change the perspective and vision of your reality. This course came to you as a message from your inner SELF to get out of this scheme and enter into one full of joy, love and fulfillment.Life is full of synchronicities that lead us to experience our life differently. The vision board is the best practical experience to do this intentionally. It helps us focus on what is truly valuable and on our deepest values.
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Om Mani Padme Hum Quantic Double Resonator - Metayantra Consciencia Om Mani Padme Hum Quantic Double Resonator - Metayantra Consciencia
Om Mani Padme Hum Quantic Double Resonator $88.00
Invoke The Powerful Benevolent Attention and Blessings of Chenrezig   Tibetan Buddhists believe that saying the mantra (prayer), Om Mani Padme Hum, aloud or silently to oneself, invokes the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion. Viewing the written form of the mantra is said to have the same effect - it is often carved in stone and placed where people can see it. Turning the written form of the mantra around a Mani wheel (or prayer wheel) is also believed to give the same benefit as repeating the mantra, and the Mani wheels, small handheld and large with millions of copies of the mantra inside, they are found everywhere in the lands influenced by Tibetan Buddhism.All of the Buddha's teachings are said to be contained in this mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum cannot actually be translated into a simple phrase or sentence.However, it is advisable to say a little about the mantra, so that people who want to use it in their meditation practice have an idea of ​​what they are doing, and people who are just curious understand a little better what the mantra is. and why it is so important to Tibetan Buddhists.OM in the Buddhist tradition symbolizes the sound vibration that unites the practitioner's body, speech, and mind with those of the Buddha and all creation.MANI means jewel and symbolizes the altruistic intention to enlighten to become compassionate, to become love.PADME means lotus and symbolizes wisdom. The lotus flower immaculately transcends the murky waters from which it grows into the pristine beauty of its true nature.HUM means something that cannot be disturbed. It symbolizes the purity that can be achieved through practice and wisdom. Contains: Copper Wire: an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and many believe in its ability to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Brass Wire: Excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and many believe in its ability to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; progressively improve your self-esteem, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Incorporates the power of the Sun, it never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and conducts harmful energy to earth, an excellent protector of the environment. Cleanses the chakras, raises self-esteem, enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind by amplifying the power of thoughts and fostering vital joy. Quantum resonance plate with sacred geometry. 6- Pointed Star: (Star of David) is the union of God with the human being. The number 6 symbolizes responsibility and perfection. It means the evolutionary process of the mind when it begins to seek, internally, the reason for being. The 6 looks for the relationship of things and the reason why they are related. This search usually ends with a commitment on the part of the individual to humanity itself. Star of 12 Points: (Reflection of Belen) is the one that represents the time lived in harmony. Therefore it is one of the most complete stars, since it attracts abundance, favors spiritual well-being, attracts love and strengthens health. Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 6.3 cm.WARRANTY:We check performance quality before shipping to make sure you are receiving the best product. We guarantee your purchase against any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents.NOTE: The materials are volatile, they can be arranged in random ways, the COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO THESE REASONS, the arrangement of the micro metal particles cannot be controlled. This product is handmade, therefore we try to ensure that your product is as similar to the one that appears in the images, but it will also come with its own uniqueness as it is a unique piece.All of our orgone products contain special technology that protects living things from the harmful damage of 5G.Handling and manufacturing time is approximately 1 week, shipping time will depend on the chosen method and may take 10-30 business days depending on customs and airport traffic.
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Dark Magik Protector Bracelet - Metayantra Consciencia Dark Magik Protector Bracelet - Metayantra Consciencia
Dark Magik Protector Bracelet $99.00
Protector against Dark Magic and Sourcery It rotates from the cycles of the planets to the cycles of respiration.Represents omniscience. Everything is under the influence of time, the wheel has neither beginning nor end. In the Kalachakra Mandala we find represented the five-level palace where the divinity Kalachakra and her consort Kalichakra reside, symbolizing Compassion and Wisdom. The other 722 minor divinities are also represented. This Mandala contains the cosmological vision of the universe, a detailed description of human nature and finally a way to achieve, through reflection, wisdom and compassion, the state of enlightenment or nirvana. It is dedicated to the peace and physical balance of the person and the surrounding world, between the non-permanent human forms, animals and flowers, abstract icons, and the Sanskrit syllables that make up the mandala. The Kalachakra Mandala is interpreted on three levels, known as the external, internal, and secret or alternative.-External: refers to the physical world.-Internal: corresponds to the physical and psychic properties associated with the energy of the human body.-Secret or Alternative: it is the result of practicing yoga that allows you to reach a state of enlightenment. Contains: Brass coil: Music, energetic resonance and secrets are associated 21 Pointed Star: Changes in our life, positive stimuli, trips, home renovations and new activities. Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify thoughts; progressively improve your self-esteem, enhance individuality and self-love, you will overcome states of depression, fears and phobias. Incorporates the power of the Sun, it never needs cleaning, absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and conducts harmful energy to earth, an excellent protector of the environment. Cleanses the chakras, raises self-esteem, enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind by amplifying the power of thoughts and fostering vital joy. Color Mandala. Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter of device: 3 cm.WARRANTY:We check performance quality before shipping to make sure you are receiving the best product. We guarantee your purchase against any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents.NOTE: The materials are volatile, they can be arranged in random ways, the COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO THESE REASONS, the arrangement of the micro metal particles cannot be controlled. This product is handmade, therefore we try to ensure that your product is as similar to the one that appears in the images, but it will also come with its own uniqueness as it is a unique piece.All of our orgone products contain special technology that protects living things from the harmful damage of 5G.Handling and manufacturing time is approximately 1 week, shipping time will depend on the chosen method and may take 10-30 business days depending on customs and airport traffic. For better results you can use this Binaural Frequency with a Metayantra resonator:
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Torsion Field Pyramid - Metayantra Consciencia Torsion Field Pyramid - Metayantra Consciencia
Torsion Field Pyramid $99.99
CREATES SPIN FIELDS IN THE VACUUM Spin waves in condensed matter are a current and well-studied topic in modern physics. However, there is a less-known backwater in this field: Torsion Fields, the quantum spin of empty space; the large-scale coherent effects of the spin of the particles in the virtual sea. Initial work in this field was performed by Einstein and Cartan in the 1920's, now known as ECT (Einstein-Cartan-theory.) Currently there are rumors that spin waves have real physical consequences, and that useful technology can be based on such things. If "torsion fields" can be used for communication, they could explain such things as telepathy and PK. Most of the recent work has been done in Russia, but now and then interesting things appear in the US as well.   Contains: Citrine: It has a great capacity to transmit the spiritual energy, in addition to the power to amplify the thoughts; to improve your self-esteem progressively, power the individuality and the self-esteem, you will surpass states of depression, fears and phobias. It cleans the chakras, it elevates the self-esteem, it promotes the concentration and it revitalizes the mind amplifying the power of the thoughts and it foments the vital joy. Sea Snail from Mazatec sacred beach: The sea snail shell has been personally collected from a sacred place on Zipolite beach, "Beach of the Dead" in Zapotec language, this was a sacred place where the ancient Zapotecs sent their deceased beloved to rest in the upper world, imagine a distant place , somewhere in time, where there are warm smiles, like rays of the sun, together in a common dream, enjoying nature in all its splendor in an enchanted environment.There is a hidden place deep in southern Mexico, Zipolite is its common name. The Zapotec Indians believe that it is an area where one can surrender to the forces of nature and be born again with the breath of the great wind, the stars that never end, open. Copper: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts.  Handmade (With lot of LOVE).Approximate diameter: Height: 10 cm, sides of the base: 8 cm, edge: 9 cm.WARRANTY:We check performance quality before shipping to make sure you are receiving the best product. We guarantee your purchase against any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents.NOTE: The materials are volatile, they can be arranged in random ways, the COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO THESE REASONS, the arrangement of the micro metal particles cannot be controlled. This product is handmade, therefore we try to ensure that your product is as similar to the one that appears in the images, but it will also come with its own uniqueness as it is a unique piece.All of our orgone products contain special technology that protects living things from the harmful damage of 5G.Handling and manufacturing time is approximately 1 week, shipping time will depend on the chosen method and may take 10-30 business days depending on customs and airport traffic.
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Add Elite Shungite Powder C60 to your Metayantra Pranic Device - Metayantra WorldWide Add Elite Shungite Powder C60 to your Metayantra Pranic Device - Metayantra WorldWide
Add Elite Shungite Powder C60 to your Metayantra Pranic Device $39.99
Pure Karelian Elite Shungite Powder C60 Fullerene Choose this option to include a layer of Elite Shungite powder in your MPD. It is important that you let us know which device is to include Shungite; otherwise, we will have to add it randomly. Please note that by adding the powder, the entire device will be darkened, so the view of some models may be affected.   What is Shungite? Is a rare black stone made of up to 99 percent carbon, it contains fullerenes, 3-D spherical molecules made of 60 carbon atoms  which are hollow Shungite also contains many micro and macrominerals. Some of these are quartz, mica, albite, pyrite, and nearly all the minerals on the periodic table. Is thought to be at least 2 billion years old.  Electromagnetic Artificial Radiation is linked to an increasing number of health problems including brain and heart tumors, DNA breakage, headaches, chronic fatigue, autoimmune conditions, and more. Whether you feel them or not, EMFs are modifying our DNA, and it’s getting even worse with 5G. Due to its unique molecular structure, shungite transmutes EMFs into a form that’s more biologically compatible with our bodies.   What are fullerenes? It is a globular hollow molecule consisting of several dozens of carbon atoms. The fullerene molecule cuts diamond as oil, slows down the growth of cancer cells, and can slow down the activity of viruses. Shungite water is known for its antioxidant effects. Fullerenes have the ability to reduce the concentration of free radicals as no other antioxidant can. Thanks to its soccer-ball shape, a molecule of natural fullerene attracts free radicals that end up stuck to it,Fullerenes are able to carry unstable atoms inside themselves. These could be useful as contrast agents for testing, as in magnetic resonance imaging and X-ray imaging.Fullerenes also have antiviral activity. You may hear one day that shungite fullerenes are helping to combat HIV and other viral diseases.Fullerenes may also be used to make chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment.   Where is Shungite found? There is only one Shungite source in the world. It is the Zazhoginsky Shungite deposits in the western Republic of Karelia, near the eastern border of Finland. Where did it come from? The origin of shungite is a mystery. Some theories of shungite’s origins include: A large meteorite collided with Earth and deposited shungite into the ground Shungite was formed due to microorganisms in nearby water The composition of organic matter in sedimentary rocks changed over time Although scientists are unsure of how shungite was formed or where it came from, they attribute the stone’s potential benefits to its fullerene content.   What is Shungite good for?  SHUNGITE IS USED FOR: Water purification and water infusion with healing energies Enhancement of growth in vegetation and livestock EMF, microwave, and nuclear shielding materials Healing a variety of diseases Creation of healing rooms by Russian Military Medical clinics To balance the energy body that is the blueprint for the physical body promoting physical, emotional, and mental health Charging bath water & swimming pools and a Shungite pendant provides individual protection & balance against all types of EMF & microwave fields.  Shungite Proven chemical results of shungite and shungite water: Reduction of ions of heavy metals – manganese, iron, zinc etc; Fluorine; Ethanol and alcohol derivatives; Nitrites; Nitrates; Ammonia; Biological effects of shungite and shungite water: Anti-inflammatory; Antioxidant; Improving metabolism; Reduces oxidative stress       Traditionally, water infused with shungite has been used for: allergies sore throats asthma gastric issues arthritis kidney problems liver problems gallbladder issues autoimmune disease pancreatic dysfunction chronic fatigue  Shields electromagnetic field (EMF) emissions Shungite has the ability to shield you from EMF emissions. An old 2003 study by trusted Source, reports shungite protected rats against electromagnetic irradiation. How to determine if you have real Shungite Shungite will allow an electric signal to travel through it. Only Shungite from the Zazhoginsky deposits in the Russian Republic of Karelia with 35-60% carbon has this attribute. Two sources of so-called Shungite from Kazakhstan and Ukraine mines but they will not conduct an electric current because they have only 5% fullerenes. We test ALL our Shungite & guarantee it is authentic. How to Test Shungite for Authenticity Using a Multimeter (VIDEO)  
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Add Mixed Cobalt and Nano-Metal Particles to your device - Metayantra WorldWide Add Mixed Cobalt and Nano-Metal Particles to your device - Metayantra WorldWide
Add Mixed Cobalt and Nano-Metal Particles to your device $29.99
Choose this option to have your device made with Cobalt and Bronze and Brass Nano Particles.. It is important that you tell us which device you are acquiring that mix will be added to, otherwise, it will be added randomly. This special Blend has had excellent results in healing and cellular restoration processes, as well as for Personal evolution on a Physical and Spiritual Level. Please note that by adding the blend, the entire device will turn blue, so the view of some models may be affected.The blend contains the following elements:Cobalt Powder: Creates a cobalt-60 resistance effect, was used extensively in external beam radiotherapy machines, which produced a beam of rays that was directed into the patient's body to kill tumor tissue. Cobalt therapy was a revolutionary breakthrough in radiotherapy. Bronze Powder: Energy of the Projective Sun and is related to fire. It is used to attract money or healing. Protective properties are attributed to the pieces of jewelry made of bronze, to return the negative energy to the originator. It is closely related to the sound, so they are typical Tibetan bowls and bells, whose sound is cleansing. Brass powder: good electrical conductivity, 0.158 MegaSiemens/cm at 20ºC. It is associated with music, energetic resonance and secrets. This mixture of nanoparticles has demonstrated effects at the electromagnetic level, which increase the resonance power of any device as well as amplifying its coverage. Take advantage of this opportunity to amplify the power and reach of your device.
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Interdimensional PsychoMagical Tesseract - Metayantra WorldWide Interdimensional PsychoMagical Tesseract - Metayantra WorldWide
Interdimensional PsychoMagical Tesseract $111.11 $189.00
Change the perspective of your Reality. Access the Quantum World of Infinite PossibilitiesThe Magic of the Tesseract, from alchemical mysticism to the Science of the Future. Geometry: The cube is three-dimensional and contains 2-dimensional squares, the 4-dimensional Tesseract is formed by 8 three-dimensional cubes in its geometry.The fact that they cannot be perceived does not mean that they cannot be written. The hypervolume of a tesseract, or hypercube, whose limits are cubes of ten cubic centimeters will be 10 cm4. We have just written the unimaginable. The Tesseract is partially representable: by moving the cube in the direction ana or kata a Hypercube is created, of which we can only see the three-dimensional shadow, as we see the two-dimensional shadow of, for example, a chair. The structure seen in the illustration under the name tesseract is such a shadow. The figure on the left is an unfolded cube, with its six sides in the same plane. The figure on the right is an unfolded hypercube, with its eight cubes in the same three-dimensional space.Other Names: Hypercube, Tetracube, Cubic Prism, Black Cube, God's Cube. Physical and Energetic Implications of the Tesseract It represents the gateway to the fourth dimension. The 4-D is a geometric concept that connects this reality with other worlds. Although we only perceive 3 dimensions, there are at least 26 according to string theory. The Fourth Dimension and Time Let us clarify before, that we do not refer to time as a fourth dimension, as conceived by the theory of relativity. The fourth dimension that this device works with is spatial. The fourth dimension helps us to understand the space-time curve of relativity. Spatial Dimensions and the Change of Consciousness The greater the number of dimensions, the greater the degree of freedom of movement we have in space. If you were enclosed in a line you could only move in one degree of freedom of movement, backward-forward. Now let's imagine that we are prisoners in a square, then you will only have two degrees of freedom of movement, back-forward and right-left. Our reality enjoys three degrees of freedom of movement, back-forward, right-left, and up-down. Finally, entering a reality where the Tesseract exists we will navigate in four degrees of freedom of movement, back-forward, right-left, up-down, and ana-kata. A two-dimensional individual, inhabitant of the plane, looking to the right from our perspective, can never look to the left. To look to the left while keeping the vertical axis intact, he must leave the plane and rotate through the third dimension and then return to the plane.Considering this possibility, we can apply it to any n-dimensional space, and the rotation through n+1 dimensions as the "universal-singular" axis or space of the "magic act".In its rotation through a higher dimension, the "magical" act generates a new space, which exceeds the axis of "reality", although this constitutes one of its facets. In returning to the original space, the subject of the magical act is not the same, his subjective position has changed, and this is manifested in the mirror inversion. Moreover, there is now a direction to travel that was previously ignored. A well-known effect in the consumption of entheogens, the trip to another dimension and return to the same place with a completely different perception.   The Psychomagic and the interdimensional journey Any magical act where we choose a new reality, there is a rotation that passes through the fourth dimension, because in this way we preserve that unrepresentable aspect of the decision, of the moment of freedom in motion, of the absence of guarantees and of guiding codes, since the subject passes through a space that he does not perceive until he crosses it. The Esoteric Tesseract (Black Cube) The Black Cube, Hypercube or Tesseract, represents the vortex coming from the planet Saturn through which the Physical Matrix in which we find ourselves originates. Therefore, it is the container of infinite probabilities of something happening, and of multiple space-time dimensions, where the past, present and future come together.Curious Fact In the short story "And He Built A Crooked House" (1940), by Robert Heinlein, an architect builds a house in the shape of an unfolded hypercube, which an earthquake unexpectedly folds to give rise to a hypercube, and to unusual experiences for its inhabitants. Reality always surpasses fiction. Examples of Sacred Symbology that have included the Tesseract since time immemorial Egyptian Tree of Life. The Tesseract has 16 vertices, 32 edges, 24 faces and 8 cells. It has 32 sides that encode 32 paths of the Masonic hierarchy before the higher invisible. Salvador Dalí painted it this way in his Corpus Hypercubus (1954): The beings of the fourth dimension Hypercube or Tesseract How to fold a Hypercube?In the same way that geometric figures exist in a supposed four-dimensional world, who can assure us that there are not other types of "intelligent" manifestations in it? Call it entity, soul, energy, mind or whatever you want. In the four-dimensional space there are entities that only some of us can see under certain circumstances and when they are projected onto our 3D space. It is possible that the so-called ghosts are nothing more than 4D beings that are always there but that we can only see when they invade our space. Carl Sagan explains all of the above in a more graphic way. It is worth taking a look at it and investing 7 minutes of our time to understand a little better what the fourth dimension could represent. Contains: Copper Coil: Element of protection, it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat, and has a great capacity to transmit spiritual energy, as well as the power to amplify thoughts. 6-Pointed Star: Star of David) is the union of God with the human being. The number 6 symbolizes responsibility and perfection. It signifies the evolutionary process of the mind when it begins to search, in an inner way, the reason for being. The 6 searches for the relationship of things and the reason why they are related. Such a search usually ends with a commitment on the part of the individual to humanity itself. Hypercube on Quantum Resonance Plate: Graphic Representation of the Fourth Dimension Crop Circle Energy: Contact to the existing physical portal. Moldavite: This is a stone that transcends time. It facilitates travel to other lives. Moldavite is a useful stone for sensitive people who find it difficult to be incarnated on earth and who cannot bear suffering and deep emotions, who are not used to heavy Earthly energies. It helps you to detach from worldly matters linked to security on Earth such as money and worry about the future. On a mental level, it is inspiring and unconventional, offering unexpected solutions. It liberates from fixed ideas and archaic belief systems. It can neutralize hypnotic commands. Cobalt: To create a cobalt-60 resistance effect, it was widely used in external beam radiotherapy machines, which produced a beam of rays that was directed at the patient's body to kill tumor tissue. Cobalt therapy was a revolutionary breakthrough in radiation therapy. Bronze Powder: Energy of the Projective Sun and is related to fire. It is used to attract money or healing. Protective properties are attributed to the pieces of jewelry made of bronze, to return the negative energy to the originator. It is closely related to the sound, so they are typical Tibetan bowls and bells, whose sound is cleansing. Brass Powder: It is associated with music, energetic resonance and secrets. Pulverized Mica: It favors intuition and psychic vision. Reflect the mirrors that we project outside, that which we find difficult to recognize as our own, to transform and integrate it. Helps to open the heart chakra to unconditional love. Represents balance and flexibility. Facilitates communication, clarity and self-image.   Handmade (with lots of LOVE).Approximate diameter: 4.3 cm.WARRANTY:We check performance quality before shipping to make sure you are receiving the best product. We guarantee your purchase against any manufacturing defect.We do not cover damage caused by accidents.NOTE: The materials are volatile, they can be arranged in random ways, the COLOR MAY VARY DUE TO THESE REASONS, the arrangement of the micro metal particles cannot be controlled. This product is handmade, therefore we try to ensure that your product is as similar to the one that appears in the images, but it will also come with its own uniqueness as it is a unique piece.All of our orgone products contain special technology that protects living things from the harmful damage of 5G.Handling and manufacturing time is approximately 1 week, shipping time will depend on the chosen method and may take 10-30 business days depending on customs and airport traffic.  
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Quetzalcoatl 925 Silver Bracelet - Metayantra WorldWide Quetzalcoatl 925 Silver Bracelet - Metayantra WorldWide
Quetzalcoatl 925 Silver Bracelet $399.00
Quetzalcoatl 925 silver bracelet 20 cm long (0.39 in) x 1 cm wide (0.39 in) Also known as "The Feathered Serpent", Quetzalcoatl was one of the most important gods of Mesoamerican cultures. A mixture of bird and snake, whose name is a combination of the Nahuatl words "quetzal" meaning emerald feathered bird, and "coatl" meaning snake.   Taxco Silver Jewelry   Taxco silver jewelry is the greatest tradition of one of Mexico's most picturesque towns. Silver jewelry makes Taxco a world-renowned center for artisans, manufacturers and wholesalers of jewelry.

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